
Coffee in the cup

A professor asked his students to take a coffee break at the pantry. On the pantry table, there were cups of different shapes, sizes, some old and plain but some were really exquisite. The students one by one, picked up those nice looking ones, leaving those plain ones on the tray.

Upon seeing this, the professor picked up a plain cup and poured some coffee into it. Sipping his coffee, he commented:

I see that many of you chose those nice cups, but the coffee that you and I are drinking is the same quality aromatic coffee. Our lives are just like coffee, while those cups are represents our type of jobs, the cars we drive, the houses we live in. Even if we do not drive flashy cars, glamorous jobs, lavish housing, the quality of our life can still be good like this coffee. The coffee's quality is not dependant on the cup!

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